Sydney Paragliding & Hang Gliding Club
powered by TidyHQPG & HG Site Guides
PG & HG Site Guides
SPHGC has 9 classified Flying Sites. You can find the site guides by clicking on the file link below. If you are a visiting pilot flying any of these sites for the first time then we insist on you contacting one of the club Safety Officers or Committee of Management for a site briefing prior to launching. Many of these coastal sites appear benign but they often catch out even the most experienced pilots. Be sure you know your plan B landing zones before launching.
The information in these Site Guides is provided as a general description. No representation is made that the information provided is current, complete or accurate. SPHGC does not assume any responsibility for persons relying on the information contained within it. Pilots using these sites accept all risk.
Pilots flying at uncontrolled sites accept all risk.
- Newport
- Bungan
- Mona Vale Headland
- Cooks Terrace Cooks Terrace - navigating the exclusion zone Video
- Warriewood
- Turimetta
- North Long Reef
- North East Long Reef Further Safety Information for North East Long Reef
- South East Long Reef
Hang Glider
- Newport
- Cooks Terrace Due to a new ridge fence installed in July 2019 this is not a recommended HG Site until a review has been completed
- Warriewood
- North East Long Reef Further Safety Information for North East Long Reef
- South East Long Reef
See also the Australian National Site Guide
SPHGC Pilot Penalties
In addition to any penatlies or enforcement imposed by SAFA, Pilots will also be subject to the following penalties imposed by the Club :
1. Flying at SPHGC sites whilst not a fully paid up SAFA member - Ban from flying SPHGC sites for a period of three months.
2. Flying in breach of the exclusion zone at Robert Dunne Reserve : First offence - written warning, 2nd Offence - ban from flying at Cooks Terrace for three months, 3rd Offence - Ban from flying at SPHGC sites for a period of twelve months.
Exemptions to Civil Aviation Order CAO 95.8
These exemptions have expired, new Site Approvals through CASA have been requested. Do not fly within 25m horizontal or 100ft vertical from pedestrians and pathways. The map below illustrates the flyable zone at Long Reef
The SAFA has granted SPHGC the following exemptions to Flight Clearances. Pilots are to note that this is not an invitation to fly low and to disregard the privacy of the public and safety but rather a recognition that, during operations at these sites, it may be necessary to breach normal flying clearances. Pilots should always be aware of the the conditions specified in Civil Aviation Order CAO 95.8.
Turimetta Headland Reserves (covering the Warriewood and Turimetta flying sites)
Eric Green Reserve (covering the Newport flying site)
Robert Dunn Reserve (Cooks Terrace flying site)
Long Reef Point Reserve (covering NE long Reef and SE Long Reef flying sites)